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(This page is deprecated; go to ABOUT THIS TUTORIAL instead.)

This tutorial was originally published in 2009 as a FLOSS manual. This is an updated version of it, current to Ardour version 3.5.403 (December 2014).

The main body of the manual was written during a Book Sprint led by Derek Holzer in the moddr_lab (http://moddr.net) at WORM in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, between 23 and 27 November 2009, with input and support from the international community of Ardour users and developers. The tutorial was originally written for Ardour 2.X versions. The original FLOSS manual can be found at http://en.flossmanuals.net/ardour/.

The present update of the tutorial was written for Ardour 3.5. The text has been updated where necessary, and all screenshots were replaced with newer ones (matching Ardour 3.5.403). This revision was made by Bruno Ruviaro in December 2014.

The Ardour community is invited to contribute content to this tutorial. All text and image files live in https://github.com/brunoruviaro/ardour3-floss-tutorial, which makes it easy for anyone to fork, revise, and remix this text.

This FLOSS manual complements the Ardour reference manual currently under development by the Ardour community, which aims to provide an encyclopedic listing of Ardour’s features. That reference manual can be found at http://manual.ardour.org/.